Monahans Kids Zone (MKZ) is a dba of Ward County Greater Works, Inc. Ward County Greater Works, Inc. received 501 (c)(3) status in May 2004. The effective stewardship of Greater Works Food Pantry operations, the directors of the Boys and Girls Club donated the building and its contents Ward County Greater Works in December 2006. We re-opened the facility in October 2007 offering after school activities club for first through sixth grades. Homework help, nutrition, a variety of table, board games, video games and gym games are available. In the summer swimming is supervised at the community pool along with the facility activities. Field trips to area sites are taken as staff & volunteers are available.
The purpose of Monahans Kids Zone (MKZ) is to provide a safe, clean, wholesome, supervised, and fun environment for the children of low income homes when school is out. These services are offered for a small membership fee for families so that parents can work normal hours and not worry about the care of their children while they are providing for their family.